Wednesday, October 14, 2015

3 of 7 Prayers for My Wife's Upcoming Year

Day 3 Gift: Keys of the Kingdom of Heaven
How often do we neglect the powerful keys on our spiritual key ring? If you have the keys to the Kingdom of Heaven, what doors could possible be closed to you? And on the flip-side, how often are you neglecting your duty as the spiritual custodian of your sphere of influence? You don't carry the biggest, noisiest set of keys for no reason!

Today's Verse:‭‭ 1 Corinthians‬ ‭16:21-24
“The greeting is in my own hand-Paul. If anyone does not love the Lord, he is to be accursed. Maranatha. The grace of the Lord Jesus be with you. My love be with you all in Christ Jesus. Amen.”

From the YouVersion Reading Plan: We Are The City Harmonic,

Day 1
Hamilton, Ontario Canada--our hometown--used to make steel. Once upon a time it was an industrial giant employing tens of thousands. Not anymore. The steel mills employ a meager five percent of what they once did. In our lifetime, our city has boasted little more than some of the poorest neighborhoods in the country and abandoned storefronts left to remind us of a bygone age. “Nothing good comes from Hamilton”--that was the attitude. We had come to be known as the armpit of Canada. 

Until, in these same struggling neighborhoods, something incredible happened.

Fifteen years ago, churches of different Christian denominations began to work together to bless our city. These churches gathered to listen to each other, imagine a different future for our city, and do something about it. In nearly abandoned neighborhoods that struggled to see hope, Churches led the way in collaboration. Today, Hamilton has changed for good. A once decayed downtown is booming amidst a cultural revival. Churches are growing, in many cases doubling in size. In many ways, because Churches stood in unity to bless the city and make a difference. This gathering of churches didn’t wait to agree on everything before acting in unity. Why? Because, in the eyes of Jesus, it was already true.

“We Are One” is a declaration of our unity found not only in ideas or beliefs, but also in Jesus Christ. Our salvation comes not just from a good idea, but also from a flesh-and-blood man from a “nothing good ever comes from” town. He lived a real and incredible life. He was crucified and died only to return and ascend to rule as the Lord of all He has made, promising future hope and the eventual redemption of all things. 

Different Churches. Different traditions. 
One Jesus. 
In Him, we are One.

-Elias Dummer, The City Harmonic

Day 2
Like many, I watched in sorrow as the chaotic situation in Ferguson and other areas of the country revealed anew our brokenness. I grieved as city streets became trenches across the country and bitterness and injustice fueled the fires of racial tension. Our society cannot heal itself, I thought, and I couldn’t help but personalize Jesus’ prayer on the cross: ”forgive us, for we know not what we are doing”. The truth is, without a change of heart and a changed life--a change born of devotion to Jesus and the work of the Spirit, we are truly doomed. Helpless. Destined to repeat our failures.

There is a phrase in 1 Corinthians 16:22 that appears only once in the entire Bible, but we know that it became a slogan for early Church.  As Paul wrote to the Corinthian Church about living faithfully and standing together as One Body, he reminded them of our hopelessness--our curse--without devotion and love to Christ. And as the Church would later find itself facing severe persecution across the known world, this phrase became a greeting--a recognition that Christ, not Caesar, was Lord.

“Maranatha”, they said. 

Interestingly, translators have long debated what to do with it.  It seems as though, because of the way the it was written, it could mean either “Our Lord has come” or “Come, Lord Jesus.”  It dawned on me that perhaps we live in between both.  Perhaps both are right.  And as we speak the phrase today, we speak of both realities.  Christ has come - He is Lord - and we are to live in light of that in this present reality.  And yet, Christ is coming, and we should eagerly anticipate His return.  In this now-but-not-yet reality, “Maranatha” might mean Justice for the hurting because Christ has come. It may also mean recognizing that we haven’t got it figured out, and that we need Jesus’ help. 

“Maranatha” is a call-to-worship in a broken world.  It is a call to recognize that Christ can bring hope and wholeness to our selves and our societies today, but also that ultimately He will return and make everything right again.

-Elias Dummer, The City Harmonic

Today's Prayer: These thoughts have been blowing my mind recently. God, help us not to think of the Body of Christ as our Church but as all Churches everywhere. Help us to look beyond our little group of like-minded believers and see that Your plan requires all believers. God, change my thoughts and remind me that all people are God's creation. They might not all be Children of God yet, but for the ones that are, give me the heart of brotherly/sisterly love that we many encourage and empower one another to spread Your love to every corner of the earth.

Today's Worship Song: Maranatha, The City Harmonic

And here's their documentary on the power of the Church in Hamilton, Canada:

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