Friday, May 29, 2015

Full speed ahead!

So like I told you last post, I'm pursuing an impossible dream. I'm going to submit a Bible plan to YouVersion (a.k.a. the Bible App) even though they aren't taking submissions. I'm not sure how that's going to work, but why should that stop me? I spent some time praying about what kind of Bible plan I would submit. I have a bunch of cool ideas squirreled away, but after praying it over, the obvious choice is to just do what I do here on the blog. I'm going to draw the most popular verses and write about what God reveals in them. So where am I going to find some statistics on the most popular verses? Isn't it obvious?

Well, YouVersion, perhaps you aren't going to let me submit a Bible plan just yet, but that isn't going to stop me from forcing you to help me anyway! Mwahahahaaaaaaaa!

The neat thing is that I've already drawn two of these top ten verses:

I was close to drawing #5 and #9 Matthew 6:33-34, but instead drew Matthew 6:26-29. I mention that here primarily because it's one of my favorite pictures ever!

So that leaves 8 verses to go!

Looking back on my previous posts, I've realized how much God has grown in me so I'm taking a new approach. When I spend time reading a verse, now the drawing is secondary. The primary focus is the truth in those words that the Holy Spirit is revealing. Because of the way God has designed my brain, the drawing works itself out just from focusing on God's truth and figuring out how to apply it practically. So for now the text of the posts will be spending more time explaining why I drew what I drew and the truth God revealed in it.

Let's do it!

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