Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Double Major in Law and Biology (John 14:16-17)

Here is the first of five references of the Holy Spirit as the Paraclete, often translated as Counselor, Advocated, Helper, or Comforter. Outside of the Bible, the Greek word is defined as a legal assistant or advocate commonly associated with a defense attorney. This seems somewhat backwards since the functions of the Paraclete as mentioned later in the Book of John sound more like a witness (John 15:26, testifying about Jesus) or prosecuting attorney (John 16:7-11, convicting the world in regard to sin and righteousness). It sounds to me like the Holy Spirit is a versatile legal counsel, like if you rolled up Matlock and the dudes from Law & Order into one legal super team.

The drawing itself focuses more on the Holy Spirit living inside of you. Is it just me or does it sound weird to have something living inside you? It brings to mind parasites followed closely by pregnant women. That may seem random, but I think there's a lot of physical similarities between being infected with a tapeworm and being pregnant (mothers of the world, please don't hit me). At least if you get a tapeworm you don't have to start saving to send it to college. Even the word Paraclete kinda sounds parasitic. But hold on now, biologist-in-training, the Paraclete forms a mutualistic endosymbionic relationship. That's fancy talk for the Holy Spirit lives inside of you, but you are better off because of it. It's like if your intestinal bacteria could also give you spiritual advice.

No further questions, your honor. The Paraclete already gave me:

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