Monday, April 12, 2010

Gated community (John 5:33-47)

john was a lamp accuser is moses
Jesus is continuing to slap around the Jews that are still mad about the whole working on the Sabbath thing. This is one of the rare pictures where I used styles of both rebus and artistic interpretation.

For the rebus, the accusing Jews are holding on to the message of John the Baptist and the Scriptures while denying that both of these are providing testimony for Jesus. As such, they will face Moses as their accuser.

The artistic interpretation is two fold. Since Moses is the accuser, I put him in front of the pearly gates taking over a shift for St. Peter. Second, if these guys are facing Moses, then the Christians on the flip side of the coin should be getting the Jesus free pass into heaven.

MISCONCEPTION CORRECTION: How can the wrought-iron looking gates into heaven be pearly? Well actually, according to Revelations 21:21, there are 12 gates of New Jerusalem which are each made of one single gigantic pearl. Of course when you're telling a joke about St. Peter at the pearly gates it's much easier to imaging a regular looking gate.

If you take a shift for St. Peter (be warned it only pays minimum wage):

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