Friday, April 9, 2010

The honorable Judge Jesus presiding... (John 5:19-23)

son can do only what he sees his father doing
Here's another one of the picture's where you have to look up the passage and go verse by verse to get all of the pieces. There used to be a name plate on the desk that said “Judge Jesus” but I figured the white wig and black robe was enough. I also added Jesus' sight lines to drive home the point in verse 19.

This jumble of crazy pictures summarizes Jesus' defense after he had been persecuted by the Jews for working on the Sabbath. Jesus claims God as his father and as such he can raise the dead and is in charge of final judgment. That's no big deal for modern Christians, but for most Jews it's a hard pill to swallow since they believe that only God has the power to raise the dead and that God is the judge of the world. So at the end of this speech is were you get to decided if you believe Jesus or you karate chop him in the neck for blasphemy.

To put it in perspective, this whole situation is kinda like a cop pulling over a guy for speeding. The cop asks, “Do you know how fast you were going?” The man answers, “Well, my dad is the President of the United States and I speed because he does. Also, he let's me veto legislation whenever I want, and he decided to pass his role as commander-in-chief over to me so you would show me some respect.” Cha-ching! Ticket avoided!

If the next time you get pulled over you try the Divine Daddy Defense:

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