Friday, March 26, 2010

Inaccurate picture, Part 2: The fix! (John 3:30)

jesus must become greater john the baptist less
So here's my solution to the greater/lesser picture problem.
Have you ever thought of Jesus and friends at the playground before? I didn't think so. That's why I find this picture so entertaining. Plus it's far more accurate because on a playground seesaw, the weight of the object is not the focal point, so height can be an indicator of importance.

Also, I think it's much more fun to be the one going up for two reasons. (1) The upward motion gives me a sensation of flying which I find exhilarating. (2) In a boy's mind, all activities become a competition. In these games the offensive stance is usually the most fun. In the “game” of seesaw the offense is based on the strength and speed at which you can push the seesaw up in the air. For you non-competitive types out there, the purpose is not to try and go higher or faster than your opponent. Oh no! The purpose is how hard you can blast your competitor into the ground and maximize the pain they will experience when they hit. I believe that the injuries caused by this “game” are the primary reason that seesaws do not exist in modern playgrounds. Oh how I miss the days of natural selection.

For those of you that prefer the weighing scale (which probably includes all the people that are now appalled at the thought of a seesaw), I would suggest using the following picture instead of the one from Wednesday since it's more accurate even if it can be a little more artistically confusing.
correct become greater less

If you've ever given someone a butt bruise from a seesaw:

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