Tuesday, January 1, 2013

In the beginning,,,the Prequel (Genesis 1:27)


Some would argue that it's not scientifically realistic to believe that the universe was created in seven days. Others claim the seven days represent undefined periods of time and not a literal 24-hours. Ultimately your belief in the origin of the universe relies on faith. Do you have faith that a loving God created everything or do you have faith that, given an unlimited amount of time, scientific laws can eventually produce self-sustaining life?

The interesting thing in the first chapter of the Bible is that the heavens and the earth where created in verses 1 and 2 which is prior to the first day of creation that starts in verse 3. My point is that the Bible was not written to explain the origin of the universe. God skips over the details beyond our planet and focuses on the basic elements that every man, woman, and child physically encounters every day. God sets the tone for the entire Bible right here. It's not about facts. The focus is on the connection between God and man.

Remind yourself every day that you were purposefully created as a reflection of God's glory. How do you make this practical? Build the foundation of your self worth on God. Don't place your value in relationships with your family and friends. These are vital, but not of the utmost value. People are always fallible and your relative value will drop in kind. Don't stand on your accomplishments. Success is not eternal and failure should lead to your demise.

You can not properly grow as a Christian until you plant your roots in the solid ground of your Creator. Set God as the sole determining factor of your self worth. The best part is that the almighty God has placed a value on you higher than any person or achievement can hope to match. Yet somehow as the troubles of this earth come crashing in on us, it is so easy to forget. Remind yourself daily.

This may seem minor to some grizzled veterans of Sunday morning church, but until you set your foundation you can not build higher.

Thank you for the amazing value that you have placed on my life.
Help me to fully commit to setting my foundation on You.

If you were around for In the beginning the original:

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