Monday, July 12, 2010

Infamous is when you're more than famous (John 20:27)

Have you ever heard the phrase “Doubting Thomas?” This is the story where it comes from. I don't know about you, but the whole deal is a bummer for Thomas. It's like never being able to get past a grade school nickname. He's recorded as having great courage at another point in John (11:16). And tradition holds that he took the gospel to India which would make him the only apostle to go outside the Roman Empire. Unfortunately, most of the ancient texts about him (the Acts of Thomas and the Gospel of Thomas) weren't actually written by him. To make matters worse, those books are non-cannon and very controversial. He may have done great things, but history only remembers his doubting and his connection to Gnosticism. But as a consolation prize, he is a saint with his own feast day and best of all he has an island in the Caribbean named after him (I'm not entirely sure on that last one since there's several saints named Thomas, but I think he's earned it).

If you name an island after me:

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