Monday, May 3, 2010

Veritas vos liberabit (John 8:31-32)

truth shall set you free from sin
When I was about to put up this picture, I started to feel like using an unlocked ball and chain to represent freedom was a little clichéd. But after a bit of research it seems like the ball and chain metaphor only really applies to marriage anymore. Maybe the other applications have faded away over to past few years. So guess what, boys and girls, I'm bringing it back! And when this freedom metaphor becomes overused again, just remember I was ahead of the curve.

MISCONCEPTION CORRECTION: Ever heard the phrase “the truth shall set you free?” It's the motto of several universities, the title of a book by a conspiracy theorist, and a favorite saying of adults when they know children are lying. Ever wonder where it can from? Unfortunately for you non-religious types, it's from this verse right here. And it doesn't mean what you thought it meant. Like so many other verses that become famous outside the Bible, it is drastically taken out of context. It really means that Jesus' teachings are the truth and it will set you free from a sinful life. “The truth shall set you free” is pure, unadulterated Jesus propaganda.

If you hear an atheist say “the truth shall set you free” and you respond with “I never knew you were such a Jesus freak!”:

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