Friday, May 7, 2010

More word balloons! (John 9:1-3)

who sinned man or parents blind
I think if all of Jesus' teachings were put into word balloons, more people would be interested. Or maybe that's just me.

Does you're life stink because you're parents were evil or because you were a bad fetus? On the surface this seems like a weird question for the disciples to ask Jesus, so let's take a look into the old Jewish Book of Law. The evil parent theory is based on several verses (such as Exodus 20:5, part of the anti-idol second commandment) outlining the sins of the father passing down four generations. The evil fetus theory isn't specifically in the Bible, but it was a hot topic back in the day with religious proponents both for and against. Jesus skipped both of these topics but instead answered the fundamental issue. At the time, the thought was that bad things happen to bad people and good things happen to good people. So if something bad happened to you then you must have done something bad before. Karma-type stuff. Jesus slaps that idea right in the face. Sometimes bad things happen to good people, so don't be all judgmental.

As I look over this picture, there's one question picking at my brain. Why is evil Dad holding a bone? For the life of me I can't remember what I was thinking when I was drawing it. Did he kill someone and keep a souvenir? Did he steal from a puppy? Is he trying to increase his calcium intake? The world may never know.

If you were a bad fetus:

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