Wednesday, March 31, 2010

The fortune you seek is in another cookie (John 4:31-38)

my food is to do the will of him who sent me
Here's another one of Jesus' metaphors that people didn't understand at the time. If you read through it too fast it sounds like a fortune cookie. “One sows and another reaps.” How nice. Now what are my lucky numbers? This picture is trying to to make Jesus' intentions more obvious by connecting what he said with what was happening around him. If you read the next few verses you see the truth in the words. The Samaritans were ready and waiting to follow Jesus, they just needed someone to lead them.

On a side note, don't learn to speak Chinese from a fortune cookie. My Chinese-speaking friends play a game where they use the fortune cookie's phonetic pronunciation to guess the actual Chinese word. Did you catch that? People fluent in Chinese have trouble understanding each other using fortune cookie phonetics. Yi jin jeh huan!

If you aren't hungry in an hour:

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