Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Double Feature, Part 1 (John 2:15)

jesus drove all from the temple in a truck
The key word from the verse for this picture is “drove”. When I first started transferring my pictures from paper to computer, I began to second guess this picture since it seemed a little cheesy. However, when I took it out a few people asked me where it had gone. So it's back in full force.

This picture features a special guest appearance by my truck. You know how they say that when you get a truck everyone asks for your help to move? What about if Jesus had a truck. He'd be the ultimate mover.

If you've already taken this thought experiment to it's next logical step:

Jesus in a monster truck!

Oh it gets better!

1 comment:

  1. Good Morning Darin!!!
    I have really enjoyed "Heaven's Water Cooler" since your mom shared it with me a week or so ago!! I have my bible in my desk and I read a word every morning. I pray for not only my day but for those of my coworkers. I feel that it shares our Lord in a quiet way. I plan to share you and "Heaven's Water Cooler" also!! I am so proud of you and that YOU thought of this!! What a blessing!! I love you!! Thanks for sharing a devotion moment with me everyday!!!
