Monday, February 22, 2010

In the beginning... (John 1:1)

in the beginning god created the word
What better place to start? A few years ago I illustrated the book of John. That collection was the forerunner to this blog. John is full of great imagery that you can have a lot of fun with. Unfortunately the book starts with a play on Words that is more of a riddle than anything else. How are you supposed to draw that?!?

Well, here goes nothing...

When I hear "In the beginning," I default to the other occurrence of these words in Genesis 1:1. They give off a creation-of-the-universe type vibe. So let's sprinkle in some baby stars and planets.

Since this verse has a focus on the word "word" it makes sense to run with that, so instead of drawing a representation of the Word and God I kept them in text form.

I overlaid the text elements on top of each other so you can see through to the celestial background. This gives the feeling of inclusion and separation of all the parts at the same time.

How do you like me now, John? He's all like "I'm gonna confuse everyone right off the bat!" And I'm like, "Not on my watch!" BOOM GOES THE DYNAMITE!

Just for showing up for the premier post:

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