Monday, February 18, 2013

Are we there yet? (Genesis 8:15-16)


Some people have the misconception that Noah was on the ark for 40 days and 40 nights, but that's just how long the land was flooded. He was actually in the ark for over a year. Here's a rough timeline:

DAY 0: Noah, his family, and the animals enter the ark

DAY 7: Flooding begins
DAY 150: Flooding ends
DAY 230: Ark comes to rest on the mountains of Ararat
DAY 270: Noah begins releasing birds to look for dry land
DAY 285: Noah's bird releasing tests end showing land is dry
DAY 320: Noah opens the door and sees that the ground is dry
DAY 380: God tells Noah to go out


So it seems that after 270 days Noah is trying to figure out when he can finally get out of the ark. However he doesn't leave the ark until God tells him too even though it takes another 100 days. Even after he has tested the land with birds and looked out at the dry ground with his own eyes, he still waits. This is an extraordinary amount of patience for a man cooped up with a bunch of stinky animals. The next time you're waiting on God and you see what seems to be your opportunity to act, have the patience of Noah and seek God before you pounce. What may seem like dry ground may still be sticky mud.


Thank you for you're perfect timing with the plans in our lives.
Give us patience for your commands, courage to act, and wisdom to know the difference between the two.

If you have trouble waiting in the 12-items-or-less line with only one person in front of you:

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