Monday, January 7, 2013

Better than CPR (Genesis 2:7)


The second chapter is a summary of the creation that was just described. Except this time around the focus is entirely on the creation of mankind. God took the dust of the ground and formed it into the body of man. He then breathed life into it to make it a living person. This iterates that the basic building blocks of humans are common everyday elements. Now you make be asking, "Wait a minute! In the last chapter you focused on how valuable we are to God. Just a few paragraphs later and we are nothing but dust?" We are valuable otherwise God would not have breathed life into us. However the value isn't in the container but in the filling.

Think about it like a balloon. The part we can see is a tiny bag of rubber. It's not until the balloon is filled with this invisible gas that it grows and floats into the air. The balloon is designed for a special purpose, but it cannot be fulfilled until the balloon has been filled. Likewise a person is just a shell until the breath of life enters.

As a little bit of perspective the Hebrew word ruach, literally meaning "air in motion" is translated to breath or spirit or life. John 3:6 Men can only reproduce human life, but the Holy Spirit give new life from heaven. We need the breath of God, the Holy Spirit, to fill us so that we may live with God.

Pray for the Spirit of God to fill you.

Thank you for this life you have given me.
I acknowledge that my physical body is just a vessel. Fill me with your Spirit that I may live to the fullest.

If you hadn't heard that chest compression is the most important part of CPR:

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