Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Home again home again jiggity jig (1 Peter 3:18)

From the tract '10 Reasons Jesus Came to Die' by John Piper
#2) To bring us to God

When I'm trying to get an idea of what to draw for a verse, one of the first things I do is check out all the different Bible translations. Most of them are near identical with a few predictable variations, but every once in a while you get something that stands out like this one from the New Living Translation: “[Jesus] died for sinners to bring you safely home to God.” How much does the word "home" change this verse for you?

I'm a part of a rare circumstance of the modern lifestyle. My parents have lived in the same house since before I first punched in on this planet. For a shade over 82% of my life, if you asked about my “home” it was as easy as a street address. But something changes when you permanently move out. Now when I pull into my old neighborhood I get this weird feeling. The only way I can think to describe it is if you imagine your adult self as a student back in your elementary school class. Everything looks the same, but you can't really fit into the tiny seat at your desk anymore. It's familiar and awkward all at once. The concept of a physical home on earth is fleeting. The standard of the Western world seems to be that at best you get two shots at it. The home that you're born into and the one you build for yourself when you grow up. In both scenarios, the 13-18 demographic is doing their best to get out of that “dreamland” as fast as possible.

The difference in house and home happens when I walk inside. Sure it's strange to see my old bedroom as a guest room/library/storage facility, but the real “home” is found in the joy of my parents when they see me walk in the front door. The essence of the true home is not the building but the environment of safety and love. And as good as that is, it's only a fraction of what you'll get at God's house. That's your true home and Jesus died so he could take you back there forever.

If your old bedroom was turned into a giant ball pit:

1 comment:

  1. Have you ever had this grand scheme to do something and then in the process nothing works out quite like you hoped? That was me trying to get this post up last week. Sorry for the silent week, but as it turns out the timing will work out quite nicely for the top spot in this countdown.
