Monday, March 11, 2013

Pride before the caduta! (Genesis 11:4)


For the longest time I was always under the impression that the Tower of Babel was a story about the dangers of excessive pride, but after reading it carefully as an adult, it's a story of fear and disobedience. The problem was that God had just told Noah and his sons to "fill the earth (Genesis 9:1)." So after a few generations what do the people do? Freak out and gather all together in one place. They were not trying to build a tower that reached into the sky to be greater than God (some Bibles use the word "heavens" instead of "sky" which causes the confusion. In this instance they are interchangeable). The were building a tower to be a monument for people to know, find, and gather around. That way they could feel safe. God wanted them to adventure out and blaze the trails to the corners of the globe. They wanted to stay at home and huddle together where it was safe and warm.

What spiritual journey are you afraid of that might scatter you all over the world? What things happen that get you lost in the crowd (safe and soundinstead of standing out? It's time for you to go on an ADVENTURE!

Forgive us when we seek safety instead of your will.
Give us the boldness to step out on to an adventure with you.

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