Monday, February 11, 2013

Speed dating for animals (Genesis 7:16a)


This may be the most overlooked miracle in the Bible. Think about it. What is more unbelievable: A global flood? Or a pair (or more in some cases) of every type of animal on earth willingly congregating in the same location without killing each other. Many cultures across the globe record a history that includes a "flood myth." You hear about global warming everyday with Al Gore discussing it's affect raising global sea levels. When was the last time you heard anything about animals gathering peaceably for collection? You might consider the events preceding global disasters such as a tsunami where hordes of animals know long before humans to run for the hills, but the timeline in Genesis states that Noah was in the ark seven days before the flooding began. That's far too early for their flight instincts to kick in. There aren't specific details on exactly how it happened, but based on verse 13-16 it seems like every animal punctually showed up just as they were needed to enter the ark.

In Genesis, God gives Noah specific instructions on how to build the ark. After which He ends with a comment that Noah is going to bring every kind of animal with him. If Noah was anything like me, his immediate response would have been, "Okay, I get the boat part. I can do that, but how am I supposed to get all those animals?" I can imagine Noah hard at work sawing the gopher wood into nice cubit-sized lengths when all of a sudden... CA CAW! CA CAW! "What's this? An orange-bellied parrot! I've never seen one of those before. I better catch it to bring on the ark with me!" And off he runs in hot pursuit still holding his saw. As night falls, Noah returns home empty handed and no work completed on the ark for the day.

As you look back to God's instructions, He gave Noah detailed blue prints on how to build the ark because that was the work Noah was to do. It was God's responsibility to bring the animals so Noah need not worry about it. Noah probably only needed to know about the animals so he could build the ark properly to hold them. Noah did his part and God did His.

Today we can face the same problem. We know what God has told us to do, but there are many complications that come with our task. Do your part, and let God do His.

Heavenly Father,
Thank you for your ever present help in times of need.
Guide me in the plans you have for me and peace of mind to let your do your part.

If you train your pets to line up two-by-two to get on your boat just to freak people out:

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