Monday, January 28, 2013

Who's who of begats (Genesis 5:1)


My fiancee and I recently watched through the Christopher Nolan Batman trilogy. The common theme was the test of society's disposition. When put under pressure would people choose to do good or evil? If we lived in a world with no consequences you would be shocked at the monstrosities people would commit, yet in the worst of times some people always take a stand for what is right even at the cost of their own lives. How can the human race as a whole be evil and good? The answer begins in the spiritual warfare of your DNA. You are a descendant of Adam and, as stated in Romans 5:12, you have inherited his sinful nature. Yet as a descendant of Adam, you are also created in the image of God. Therefore you are reflection of God's peace (Philippians 4:7), love (1 John 4:8), holiness (Leviticus 11:45), and all of the most wonderful attributes we know about. You are a constant battle ground of the spiritual nature. As long as you are alive your struggles between good and evil will not end. The more closely you pursue God, the easier it is to live in His nature. If you aren't intentional in establishing the foundation of your moral compass, it will lead you astray.


Live in God's design and not Adam's nature. It's easy to be good when everyone else is living peaceably  It's when you are mistreated when you show your true nature. Don't let your sinful reactions take over. Seek God's help to act in His nature when someone has hurt you. How do you apply this? Start with something simple to identify but difficult to do. Do not retaliate. By definition, retaliation is an evil act in return for someone else's evil towards you. An evil action is never the correct action. For example, the next time some driver flips you off because they almost hit you while they were running a red light, tailgating them for the next mile yelling all the way is living in our sinful nature.

Thank you for the amazing qualities you have created in us.
Help us to live in these amazing qualities and turn away from our sinful desires.

If reading a list of names makes you want to blow up Gotham Stadium:

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