Saturday, June 11, 2011

His offering to us (Hebrews 10:14)

If you haven't noticed, my posts have dropped off recently. As a reminder of my slacking, I'm finally posting a verse that was requested on January 8th. It's from Brian who's a friend from my church. A few years back we went on a mission trip to Russia, and in a past life he was also my Sunday School teacher. The good news is I sent him the draft of this picture in mid-February, but it's taken me until now to get the final version posted. I'll try to be more punctual in the future.

When I read over the verse a couple times, two things kept sticking out to me. First, in referring to Jesus' death on the cross different translations used either the word “sacrifice” or the word “offering”. Thinking about these words being interchangeable gives me a different perspective that goes beyond passing the plate at church.
My offering should be a sacrifice. My sacrifices are an offering.

Secondly, I focused on "being made holy". Drawing something as “holy” usually resorts to halos and such, but instead I went the route of “cleanliness is next to godliness” (This phrase isn't actually in the Bible. It was made famous by the founder of Methodism, John Wesley). But in the end, I couldn't resist the holy light rays shooting out of the offering plate.

If you don't shower before going to church:


  1. That's excellent Darin!
    This is one of my favorite verses.
    Hebrews 10:11 "For by one offering He has perfected for all time those who are sanctified"
    By virtue of the offering Christ has made, our standing with God is secured forever! In the mean time, he is transforming us from darkness to light. We have a great salvation and a wonderful Savior! Brian

  2. 10:14 like you said, not 10:11 (oops)
