Monday, December 27, 2010

Rest stop (Numbers 15:32-36)

The rush of Christmas has ended and we are drawing close to the end of the year. Now is the time when many people use up the last of their vacation (that is if it doesn't roll over to next year). If you're like me then your vacations usually end up being more tiring than your normal life. In an era where we try to fill up every free moment with activities, it's important to note that God is deadly serious about the need for rest. 

In this passage, a man was put to death by stoning because he was gathering sticks on the Sabbath. (Some traditions claim that this Sabbath-Breaker was Zelophehad whose five daughters later famously petitioned Moses because their family was left without a male heir.) The Sabbath is a day of the week set aside by God for rest and a time for worship. In Judaism it is observed from sundown on Friday until Saturday night. While the death penalty for working on this special day is clearly stated in Exodus 31:14-15 and 35:2, this may seem like a pretty harsh punishment. The issue here is less with the specific action and more with the motivation behind the sin. This man was blatantly disobeying God in broad daylight.

We often forget that in ancient civilizations the thought of the working class taking a whole day off was ridiculous. The Jews were considered lazy by Greeks and Romans because of their weekly “holiday.” So why did God come up with this revolutionary idea? I see two reasons: (1) We are so often caught up in ourselves that we need a day set apart by holy mandate for us to remember to worship and fellowship with God.
(2) God knows your body needs to rest. As an example, WebMD states that “too little sleep may cause memory problems, depression, a weakening of your immune system increasing your chance of becoming sick, [and] increase in perception of pain.” Other studies have shown links to increased blood pressure, obesity, and diabetes. And that's just in regard to sleep. There are many other physical dangers associated with the different types of exhaustion. 

In this upcoming vacation, remember to set aside some hammock time for God. He wants to hang out and it's good for your health.

If instead of counting sheep you count the stones being thrown at you:

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