Monday, October 25, 2010

Thy kingdom come (Matthew 6:10a)

Why is it that all functional governments are essentially just a variation of a monarchy? Is it that the vast majority of the human race is: (a) incapable of leading, (b) has a desire to be dominated, or (c)  is just too lazy? At this point, most red-blooded Americans should be pulling out their commemorative 1776 flags and waving them loud and proud as they shout in opposition. (One slight problem is that the US didn't have an official flag until 1777 and until that point our flag still paid tribute to the British in the upper corner. Oops.) When you get down to it, aren't we really closer to a monarchy than a direct democracy? Sure our “king” is split between various checks-and-balances of multiple people with a lot of complex voting to move around the pieces, but our government is still based on a few people at the top and the vast majority sorta saying, “Meh. I'll do what you say.”

The real reason that most of world gave up on a monarchy is that we had enough with crappy rulers. If there was a single person who could fairly rule a large chunk of people wouldn't we jump at the chance? Let me introduce you to God, the perfect king. Oh man, you just walked right into that didn't you? Good news! God is already in control of everything. As a tangible example, think about the laws of nature such as gravity. Go ahead and try to break that one. Bend it? Yes. Break it? No. Last week we talked about knowing God which also results in us knowing the rest of his less naturally publicized rules. Here's where it gets interesting. We have this perfect king, and we get to the point where we know him and what he wants, and we still don't do it. That's like God saying, “Here, I made you a sandwich,” and us responding, “Nah. I think I'll eat this broken glass instead.” Our sinful nature leads us to disobey. So we have conflicting natural instincts to be a follower and a rebel at the same time. That's where this part of the prayer comes in. We are submitting to God's authority and requesting his help to properly follow his commands.

If you make a point to obey the laws of thermodynamics:

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