Monday, October 4, 2010

And now for something completely different

Not long ago, I switched to the single-post-a-week format for two reasons. First off, looking back at triple posts, I could very quickly see which I had investigated with detailed research and which were more of a stream of consciousness upchuck. Not that I slacked off on any of the posts, but it was noticeable which entries had the time for refinement. With one post a week, I can make sure each post is quadruple checked for quality and entertainment.

Secondly, the posts began to take over my life even during the periods where I enjoyed excessive free time. Now that I've hit my busy season, once-a-week allows me the energy to complete my posts while leaving time for my other endeavors. What other endeavors you might ask? (As if the teaser picture wasn't enough?) Well, here's one I've had squirreled away waiting for the right time. It began as a proof of concept for an illustrated short story I'm attempting to create, but it's theme is in line with Heaven's Water Cooler. I considered posting it on this blog, but I think it's different enough that it deserves it's own forum instead of taking up a few months of post here. Check it out at and let me know what you think. New pages will appear every week day until completion.

If you doubted the bar code's accuracy only to realize it scanned correctly:

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