Monday, September 13, 2010

Give me a sign! (Luke 11:29)

Ever wish God would quit being so vague and just tell you what he wanted for once? Chances are that if you're honestly asking God for an answer and not getting a response, you're either not paying attention or you just don't like what he's saying. Does that sound like a cop out answer to you? The problem is that you've probably already made your mind up and there's nothing I could say to change it. I'd guess that's how the guys Jesus was ripping on in this verse felt too.

The Bible is full of lots of people asking for and receiving signs. Abram had some trippy dreams (Genesis 15:8-17). Moses got a snake staff (Exodus 4:1-9). Hezekiah had the shadows move backwards (2 Kings 8-11). Zechariah lost his voice, although that was also part of the punishment for his lack of faith (Luke 1:18-20, 62-64). Gideon even asked for a second sign as a double check (Judges 6:36-40). In Isaiah 7:11, God basically says to Ahaz, the King of Judah, to ask for whatever ridiculous sign he wanted. Ahaz humbly responded with a reference to Deuteronomy 6:16 that he didn't want to test God. God wasn't happy with that answer, so he came up with a ridiculous sign for Ahaz anyway. You know what that was? Only that a virgin would give birth to a son. It makes me wonder how different the New Testament would have been if Ahaz had asked for a two headed flamingo driving an ice cream truck.

The big question then becomes “When is it cool to ask for a sign?” I think it's a matter of attitude. If you're genuinely and earnestly seeking an answer, you should find one. If you're treating it like a Magic 8-Ball then, “Reply hazy, try again.”

If the two headed flamingo has Rocket Pops:

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