Monday, August 2, 2010

Supersaturated scripture (Joshua 1:8-9)

Continuing on the theme of art as a method of expanding your thinking process, I present to you this little doozy. In a rare occurrence, I am actually going to include the verse here so you can see the extreme amount of references crammed into this picture. However, to change it up so that both NIV and KJV support groups can be equally upset, I am using the English Standard Version. The numbers in parenthesis correspond to the red numbers in this explanation picture.
This Book of the Law (1: a.k.a. the Bible although technically Joshua is talking about the Mosaic Law) shall not depart from your mouth (2: meaning study the Bible so that your actions and words are consistent with it's teachings, but literally putting it in your mouth is funnier to see), but you shall meditate (3: my first response to a meditating pose comes from imagery of other religions such Buddhism. I guess that's a telling sign that most Christians don't spend enough time in mediation) on it day (4:why do sun rays depicted in art come to a point when that's the opposite of what they actually do?) and night (5: a crescent moon this extreme is not scientifically possible or at least we'll be in big trouble if it happens), so that you may be careful to do (6: as if your To Do list was not long enough) according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous (7: While the imagery for 7 & 8 may be interchangeable, prosperity often has a financial connotation...), and then you will have good success (8: ...and success implies a favorable completion of an event). Have I not commanded you? Be strong (9: extreme muscles on the right side helps the picture to flow with the verse, but I think this guy needs to do some reps with his other arm) and courageous (10: Do you recognize that medal for courage? If I only had da nerve). Do not be frightened (11: While not as good as the last medal, that is one really scared dude), and do not be dismayed (12:that glass looks half full to me), for the LORD your God is with you (13: I went to heaven and all I got was this t-shirt) wherever you go.

If you get the Bible stuck in your teeth:

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