Friday, May 14, 2010

I love door (John 10:7)

jesus gate sheep pen
As promised, the final piece of this shepherd trilogy. In part three, Jesus is claiming to be the door for the sheep. Jesus is the door to the pen? Remember what I said on day one about understanding the sheep management in proper context? This is the verse where it really matters. We are no longer talking about the same sheep pen. In Middle Eastern shepherding, after the sheep have been out and about all morning, the shepherd will create a temporary corral-type structure out of shrubs to protect the sheep while they rest. The entrance to the corral is simply a gap in the fence. The shepherd will lie down in that gap acting as a door so that nothing can get in or out except by crossing over him. So Jesus isn't claiming to be a door, but he is fulfilling another one of the duties of the shepherd.

Of course, a picture of Jesus laying down in front of a gap in the fence is no fun, so I drew Jesus door shaped. If he keeps sitting like that he's gonna have some pretty ripped quads.

If you've hugged your door today:

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