Monday, April 5, 2010

World's greatest spokesman (John 4:50-53)

his servants met him with the news that his boy was living
This story makes me realize how powerful it must have been to be in the presence of Jesus. Imagine this: Your child is dying, and you travel a few hours to see a guy that you think is the only one that can help. (Four hours is a rough estimate on the time it would have taken to travel the twenty miles from Capernaum to Cana. It was a relatively short travel distance for the time.) You get there and he just says “You can head on home now. The kid will be fine.” And you do. How compelling would a person have to be for you to do that? This is your child's life we're talking about and you're just like “Okay, I believe you” and leave without any concrete proof. Whew. With that kind of vibe a person could create world peace or convince a vegan to order a steak. You know, whatever comes first.

MISCONCEPTION CORRECTION: For you smarty-pants who say “The clock is wrong. It should be set to the seven.” Well guess what, the seventh hour isn't the same as seven o'clock. Jewish time starts at dawn so the seventh hour is 1 to 2 PM. So there!

If you change your watch to Jewish time:

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