Monday, March 15, 2010

Jesus as Mr. Fix-It (John 2:18-22)

destroy this temple and i will raise it again in three days
Here is my desk calendar for Jesus' miraculous sign of raising the temple in three days. Jesus is referencing his death in relation to a building, so I drew this as the transition from Judaism to Christianity represented through their religious architecture. The days on the calender coincide with the Easter holiday traditions.

Thursday (Maundy Thursday): The picture is based on images I have seen of Herod's Temple. Just to avoid any confusion I put a Star of David right on front. Although Jesus talks about raising the temple in three days, I added this fourth day for the before-and-after reference.

Friday (Good Friday): The temple is destroyed. I wonder what the globally recognized image for total destruction was before the mushroom cloud? Maybe it would have been a natural disaster such as a flood or tornado or visit from the in-laws.

Saturday (Holy Saturday): The ruins lie dormant. I had never realized that the Saturday before Easter had a special name although I guess I shouldn't be surprised. It seems like someone celebrates a religious holiday almost every day of the year. If only we got the day off for all of them.

Sunday (Easter Sunday): The structure is rebuilt as a Christian church. The perception I've drawn is a quaint, rural protestant church. You can almost smell the potluck luncheon.

If you took off work today to celebrate the feast day of Saint Louise de Marillac:

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